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Thank god we still have the pictures! At Jong UvA's events, we like to take pictures, for a nice retrospective and a full-fledged teaser with which we entice colleagues to come to the next event. We accompanied the photos with some text and voilà, the blog was born! Want to know what our previous events looked like? Start scrolling.

24-02-2021 Game night recap

On the 24th of February Jong UvA organised the first event of the year: a virtual game night with Bingo, 30 seconds and a tresure hunt. There were a lot of familiar faces attending the event, last year’s board members, board members from years before that, and active Jong UvA members. We had an amazing time and hope you did too.

'My connection is not great today', 'just a moment’, spotting a pet or three people talking at once – these expressions or events normally are a part of the daily zoom routine, but this evening they could win you a prize with our home-made bingo card.

Argyrios managed to tick off 24 of the 25 boxes! Wow, what a score and so close to a full Bingo. That kind of attentiveness is rewarded and we'll send the prize to you! Congratulations on your eagle eyes and bat ears, it earns you a wonderful 25 euro book voucher! The voucher will be sent to your address as soon as possible.

Now for the games 30 seconds and treasure hunting, it was a bit harder to decide on a winner. There was some room changing, some people left, some people were added but the fun was there. We did the math and we have a top three of best teams. The third place is going to team Andesh (with Jessica, Maria & Aranka)! You are described as amazing team players, there was a real chemistry there. Even with a mouthful of Japanese mix, you could understand each other. All of the four members of the team win a book voucher for 10 euro.

The second place is going to team Partha (with Maureen, Arezo & Kathelijn)! Your fiery eyes and wild hairstyles let no one in the dark that you were not to be trifled with. You started out as the underdog but you have managed to work your way up, that is amazing. All of the four members win a book voucher of 15 euros with which you can all completely devour your next book.

The first place is going to team Nadia (with Zita, Janneke & Phillipp)! There were some rumors about how you left the competition behind. After the starting shot you left us with nothing but dust, people were wondering “Can a team really be this good?”. Well we double checked and no fraud was detected. We don’t know what was in their borrel boxes but we are getting some too! All of the four members win a book voucher of 20 euro that you could spend on a book about game strategy, but it is better if you write it yourself.

The prizes were so sought after that people even cheated during 30 seconds! The words to guess were forwarded in private chats, the innocence was gone. Speaking of game strategy: during the treasure hunt, Janneke was smart enough to move her entire belongings to the kitchen to create an advantage for her team. We are already looking forward to our next event. Hope to see you there (again)!